> Mhm, I would be careful...one of the best journalists here
> in Japan with a very deep Keitai related knowledge sometimes
> even relies on information from the Keitai-L archive:
> http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/archives/2002-02/0190.html
A little tongue in cheek, on my part. Should I apologise?
And besides, well,
is precisely the kind of imode site I would expect to find.
In Japan, too.
Sites such as these have been some of the prime movers
(ouch) on the internet. You know the, by now, old saw, porn
pays. It is even the kind of topic (the use of the web by
porn sites) that some journalists have found fit to write
about. It is actually, a highly complex topic, and -- hmm, I
am trying really a great deal not to use any words that
could have more than one meaning -- one that some research
into is required in order to examine the "how to get people
to pay for web content" issue.
Somehow, I suspect, someone will find ways to double
entendre me out the door here. But there you go.
A key question for the launch of imode outside Japan is what
kind of content will sel?. And while the 'toons and tunes
are a possiblity, I can't help wondering if the audience
requirements will be different.
Received on Mon Mar 4 15:50:55 2002