(keitai-l) Re: open source keitai tools (was Re: Re: western phone, imode si

From: Christian Molstrom <cmolstrom_at_lightsurf.com>
Date: 02/26/02
Message-ID: <042701c1beae$4f6f84a0$6601a8c0@office.lightsurf.com>
> What do people think of the layout here?
> http://jnet1.com/wapresources/v_0.1_alpha/wurfl.xml
> I don't know xml, but I am assuming that one specifies generic sets, then
> for each phone only the differences from the generic set, and that one
> simply fallsback to get the full definition.

This was my impression.  It looks like a way to produce a sort of "class" hierarchy of devices through xml.  I would think this to
be indispensible if you want to rip xml into objects, as Curt's suggests.   Maybe that is what they were thinking of a way to
transfer xml to an OO structure as well.


> so one would have something like the below (with a load of capability
> definitions of course)
> Is this the way to go?
> Nick
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> - <!--     all phone fallbacks            -->
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> <device fall_back="root " id="generic">
> - <!--     generic phone    definition here (if appropriate)        -->
> </device>
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> - <!--      imode fallbacks              -->
> - <!--   *********************   -->
>  <device type="imode1" fall_back="generic_imode" id="imode_1_generic">
> - <!--     generic imode 1 generation  definition here       -->
> </device>
> <device type="imode2" fall_back="imode_1_generic" id="imode_2_generic">
> - <!--     generic imode 2 generation  definition   here     -->
> </device>
> <device type="imode_iappli" fall_back="imode_2_generic" id="imode_iappli">
> - <!--     generic imode 2 iappli definition   here    -->
> </device>
> <device type="imode_foma" fall_back="imode_iappli" id="imode_foma">
> - <!--     generic imode 2 foma        -->
> </device>
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> - <!--      jphone fallbacks              -->
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> <device type="jphone1" fall_back="generic" id="jphone_1_generic">
> </device>
> <device type="jphone2" fall_back="imode_2_generic" id="jphone_2_generic">
> </device>
> <device type="jphonejava1" fall_back="imode_iappli" id="jphone_1_java">
> </device>
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> - <!--      Specific devices     -->
> - <!--   *********************   -->
> - <device user_agent="DoCoMo/F209i/c10" fall_back="imode_2_generic"
> id="F209i">
> - <ui_group>
> - <!--     difference from  imode_2_generic def. E.G screensize, colour
> level, etc etc       -->
> </ui_group>
> </device>
> This mail was sent to address cmolstrom@lightsurf.com
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Received on Tue Feb 26 12:19:34 2002