In a nutshell, the suggested "problem" is this....
Ordinary docomo phone voice quality is sh*ite.
People (well -me....) are getting fed up of the 1st generation voice
quality DOCOMO provide and are casting around for something better.
FOMA provides good voice quality, but it is expensive and coverage and
availability is very limited. So a highish bar to entry. Too high if you
just want decent voice.
Suddenly CDMA-1 begins to look more appealing - (for voice) despite the
general horridness of hdml, and "Feel H" more appealing for data ( it is
As more and more people come to regard their keitai as their primary
phone (with a landline as backup, or for fax, or just to try not to look
flaky) voice quality becomes more and more important. Is the FOMA bar set
to high?
Received on Mon Feb 11 15:08:35 2002