(keitai-l) Re: emulating emoji in i-appli...

From: dc <dc_at_gamelet.com>
Date: 02/07/02
Message-ID: <00c301c1afc4$74c56970$0301a8c0@danesbury>
Patrice -

I'd appreciate the info, vachement!
I get little black dots where emoji should be. moji baka! here's a snip in case it's DC baka instead:

    public String moji() {
        byte[]  b = {(byte)0xF8, (byte)0xEE};
        String es = null;

            es = new String(b, "SJIS");
        } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        return es;

//    -----Original Message-----
//    From: keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net
//    [mailto:keitai-l-bounce@appelsiini.net]On Behalf Of Patrice Lilly
//    Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 5:04 AM
//    To: keitai-l@appelsiini.net
//    Subject: (keitai-l) Re: emulating emoji in i-appli...
//    i-JADE does support emoji.
//    I will have to get the details as I do not have them off
//    the top of my head.
//    Patrice Lilly
//    Zentek Technology, Inc.
//    ----- Original Message -----
//    From: "dc" <dc@gamelet.com>
//    To: "Keitai-L (E-mail)" <keitai-l@appelsiini.net>
//    Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 10:41 AM
//    Subject: (keitai-l) emulating emoji in i-appli...
//    > Does anyone know if the DoJa wireless toolkit has fonts
//    included that
//    actually show up the emoji? It seems Zentek's does not
//    they come out as
//    little black dots...
//    >
//    > I don't suppose there's any way of inserting windows
//    fonts into the zentek
//    kit for the purposes of development? (like enfour's
//    spiffy 'emoji keitai
//    font')...
//    >
//    > tx!
//    >
//    > /dc
//    > +-----+-------------------------+
//    > david [dc] collier
//    >   e   | dc@gamelet.com
//    >       | dcphone@jp-t.ne.jp
//    >   v   | +81 (0)90-6566-5316
//    >
//    >
//    >
//    > This mail was sent to address patrice@zentek.com
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//    http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/

//    >
//    >
//    This mail was sent to address dc@gamelet.com
//    Need archives? How to unsubscribe?
//    http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/


Received on Thu Feb 7 12:46:53 2002