(keitai-l) New spam tactics

From: Kevin Martin <martink_at_japan.email.ne.jp>
Date: 01/30/02
Message-ID: <ODEEKGKBHPIMFKBJOBEOAEEIDEAA.martink@japan.email.ne.jp>
Well, since changing my e-mail settings on my 
"ancient" N502it to only accept e-mail from 
certain domains such as ezweb.ne.jp, 
jp-"whatever".ne.jp, pdx.ne.jp, etc., I've received 
two new spam e-mails, both supposedly sent from 
an ezweb.ne.jp address.  Before, the spam wouldn't 
have legal return addresses, but now they say such 
things as "syoujyo-syoujyo...@ezweb.ne.jp" and 
"RAPE-VIDEO^_^SALE...@ezweb.ne.jp".  Believe 
me when I say I am not interested in the products 
either address is selling. :)

It's interesting to see that even though both are 
supposedly sent from ezweb.ne.jp accounts, 
imode specific emoticons are featured prominently 
throughout both e-mails.  The URLs that the 
e-mails point to are "http://only-adult.com/rape/" and 
"http://the-adult.com/syoujyo/".  Both e-mails feature 
the same disclaimer at the bottom, giving a nice 
"taihen moushiwake arimasen deshita" at the end.  
At least they're polite. :)

Looks like I'll have to change my "ezweb.ne.jp" domain 
to something more address specific.  

BTW, does anyone know if there's a way to allow 
mail sent from all of Jphone's domains?  Right now 
I have my mail settings set to allow jp-t, jp-k, and 
jp-n.ne.jp, but I'd like to consolidate these if 
possible.  I tried an "*", but that didn't work.  

Thanks for any help!

Received on Wed Jan 30 11:28:45 2002