Nick May spouted promiscuously:
> Not that it matters a curse either way, but I was curious to hear that
>> docomo in Kyushu use a Fujitsu mainframe to handle imode email, running
>> cobol.
> wisely responded:
>Wonderful hacker urban legend material, if not actually true And it could
>be true. Legacy systems cling to life, or some semblance of life, the way
>those zombies did in George Romero films.
I got it from a guy I have known for a while who manages a computer job
placement agency who has supplied them with programmers. COBOL
programmers.ÅHe was not sure about Japan generally but he was certain
about Kyushu. I expressed impolite and raucous skepticism, but he assures
me it is true. Improbable, but true.
He said that Fukuoka is "crying out for COBOL programmers". I enquired
about PL1 (just for old times sake) but apparently only a few banks use it
"Crying out for COBOL programmers". Ye gods. I know sunny Fukkers is a
village, but this is downright medieval. Perhaps my elite assembly skillz
can be put to good work after all....
(still - I have always felt that i-mode e-mail has a COBOLED together feel
about it....)
Received on Fri Jan 11 14:02:36 2002