(keitai-l) SOT: possible US 3G side step; PHS==802.11/metricom?

From: cfb <cfb_at_nirai.ne.jp>
Date: 12/23/01
Message-ID: <3C252E5E.9BE6636F@nirai.ne.jp>
There seems to be a bit of a landrush going on in both the fixed and
mobile wireless areas; perhaps it's time for TD or RcUWB transceivers
to step in and completely change the rules before something really
stupid happens...

Arguments for putting 802.11 in cell phones:

A national ISP attempts to aggregate independent 802.11 wireless ISPs:

Bankrupt fixed wireless ISP/frequency owner is brought by data carrier:

old news

Bankrupt public spectrum wireless ISP is brought by data carrier:
Received on Sun Dec 23 03:13:57 2001