(keitai-l) Re: Calling Paint method from Panel

From: Gary James <gary.james_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 11/26/01
Message-ID: <3C0205BD.922EC2E5@lincmedia.co.jp>
> Yes I am talking abt iApppli .
> there is a paint method in DOJA Api .
> But it is a protected method .Please check the API documentation .
> It is in unofficial_javadoc0.1 for iAppli .
> com.nttdocomo.ui.Frame package .
> I know that from Canvas is required for own painting . But I want to make a
> Label as bold . For that I nee to extend my class from Panel . Is there any
> way to make the Label as a BOLD ?

Which Javadoc are you looking at?  I took a look at the official (albeit
a little old) and unofficial
(http://godwood.allnet.ne.jp/vioret/dojaapi/) and I could see no paint
method in com.nttdocomo.ui.Frame.

I don't think there is anyway to override the functionality of the built
in GUI components.  If you want your own look and feel you're better off
extending Canvas.

Gary James
Project Leader (Theta Team)
Layer-8 Technologies, LINC Media Group

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Received on Mon Nov 26 11:12:28 2001