(keitai-l) Re: The truth about mobile data

From: Justin <justin_at_fka.att.ne.jp>
Date: 11/20/01
Message-Id: <20011120112825.A5F4.JUSTIN@fka.att.ne.jp>
> This is what I don't understand, you buy a \40,000 phone + pay \5000 a
> month for service (or more), and you can't justify purchasing a \50,000
> PC? Oh, wait...

Rhetorical questions I hope.

a) The phone "appeared to be" free.
b) No space in the customer's 6 jo apt. for a PC.
c) Learning curve for PC/mail software use is steeper and longer than keitai.
d) Internet access + line charges also likely to reach \5,000/month.
e) Customer spends very little time at home: wants to be able to send mail any time, from any place.


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Received on Tue Nov 20 04:42:43 2001