(keitai-l) Re: Downloading J2ME Midlets to J-SH07

From: Gary James <gary.james_at_lincmedia.co.jp>
Date: 11/19/01
Message-ID: <3BF89D3E.86678DC6@lincmedia.co.jp>
> I have a J-SH07 J-Phone.  I have developed a CLDC/MIDP compliant midlet that
> I would like to try on the phone.  First of all, is it possible to download
> a midlet from a personal computer to the J-SH07 using the USB cable?

No.  The J-Phone handsets that are sold in the shops do not allow MIDlet
download via a cable.  See the archives for more on this.

>   Also, is there any way to enable an
> english mode on the phone?

The SH-07 is just Japanese.  The only J-Phone Java handset that supports
English is the T-06, but only in simple mode (which has no advanced
features like Java).  Sanyo might be releasing its SA-04 J-Phone handset
(which I think has Java) in the future.  Sanyo usually make fully
bilingual handsets.

Gary James
Project Leader (Theta Team)
Layer-8 Technologies, LINC Media Group

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Received on Mon Nov 19 07:55:15 2001