(keitai-l) how to get Unique uid with mobile in internet connect

From: zdh <jimmy_at_jtomron.com>
Date: 11/09/01
Message-ID: <011301c168e3$67c393a0$d3f402ca@oac.omron.com.cn>
        In some doc, I found that when use IIS +asp and UP link browser for
mobile phone we
can get a "X-UP-SUBNO" as the unique code for mobile user....

But  when we use jphone or kddi,how can i get the
Unique code as the user id?
I tried in client--"httpconnection" and server--tomcat-jsp web/////
But can not get it from the http header~~~~ still can not get it from the
May some one can provide me some doc?
thank you

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