(keitai-l) Re: DoCoCaCo etc etc

From: Graham Brown <gbrown_at_wirelessworldforum.com>
Date: 09/20/01
Message-ID: <DAECKHKLBMJEKBFJCDCBOEMFCGAA.gbrown@wirelessworldforum.com>

You're not making many friends on this list ! :-)

Ramming home the anti-DoCoMo/Japanese message in every post may seem
plausible from a European perspective - as a
European (living and working in EU) I'm only prepared to listen to the
companies that have *successfully*
capitalised on the wireless internet . You won't find many in Europe. Most
of them are in Japan - ie some of those on this list and the likes of
DoCoMo. I'm sorry to say that excludes most of the world's carriers *and*
handset manufacturers .
As a European I believe we've got it wrong, very wrong in this space. Time
to exorcise the "telecomms way of thinking" Natsuno so often criticises.
Time to bite our tongues and learn...


Drew wrote >>
Have a look at www.freedompay.com  This is just one example of a
non-Japanese... etc

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Received on Thu Sep 20 12:22:01 2001