I've checked faqs and news articles but no mention by coca-cola or docomo
to using cmode as a micropayment solution.
Seems silly, and more effort to use your phone to buy a coke. However, I
wouldn't mind ordering something on my imode, or on the internet for that
matter, and stepping outside to the coke machine to pay for it. - fits
nicely in a cash based society. But then they may cut docomo out of the
payment loop...
>Well, I think it was Machiavelli who said: you should
>want your adversaries to underestimate you. Especially
>if you're known to be strong.
Sun Tzu has a similar quote, but i dont see any benefit in this case.
Taking the stronger immediate position in peoples minds seems to be their
purpose. Easier to defend an entrenched position.
David M.
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Received on Tue Sep 11 12:40:46 2001