(keitai-l) Re: CNN: Korea wants to show the world

From: Curt Sampson <cjs_at_cynic.net>
Date: 09/11/01
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.33.0109111713390.9599-100000@denkigama.nat.shibuya.blink.co.jp>
On Mon, 10 Sep 2001, Maria Pienaar wrote:

> Qualcomm claim
> that the CDMA standard is based on "open Internet IP" standards, so why did
> they not look at JAVA as this base for application development as opposed to
> bringing out another proprietary standard that only works with their
> technology?

As a software and sometime-operating-systems developer, the answer to
this is pretty clear to me. By going with their standard, rather than
with Java, they probably

    1. Saved on their own development time: no need to port a JVM,
    create libraries, etc.

    2. Save on hardware resources: the programs will be much more
    efficient for running directly, rather than being interpreted by a
    JVM, and you don't have the memory overhead of a JVM.

    3. Provide more functionality: you're not limited by the JVM as to
    what you can do. (Of course, this is a bad thing if the program is
    doing something you don't want it to do!)

Personally, I think that the advantages of going with Java will in the
long run far outweigh the advantages of going with a proprietary system,
but I can see how this decision could be made the way Qualcomm made it.

But what does it mean for Qualcomm's CDMA to be "based on 'open Internet
IP' stadards"?

Curt Sampson  <cjs_at_cynic.net>   +81 3 5778 0123   http://www.netbsd.org
    Don't you know, in this new Dark Age, we're all light.  --XTC

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Received on Tue Sep 11 11:06:55 2001