Dear All,
I have seen some information about 504i in this list, but I have not been
able to see official specs. Does anybody has more details about it ?
What is the position of the 504i compared the FOMA phones ?
I assume that 504i will have 30KB allowed for each i-appli, and also data
communication could be at 28.8 Kbit/sec (i-mode upgrade).
What about the color depth of the screen (over 4096) ?
Sound feature extention ?
Minimum RAM for i-Appli runtime stack (up to now it is 96KB for 503i) ?
Minimum performances (graphic/computation) of the iAppli KVM ?
Maybe there will have also an upgrade of the J2ME/CLDC/iAppli classes.
Best Regards,
stephane leroy
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Received on Tue Sep 11 07:35:01 2001