(keitai-l) Re: The Big Picture

From: Graham Brown <gbrown_at_wirelessworldforum.com>
Date: 09/10/01
Message-ID: <DAECKHKLBMJEKBFJCDCBEEDBCGAA.gbrown@wirelessworldforum.com>
Juergen wrote...
> But I think that we are also a bit guilty...in our showcase
> we like very much more to show female than male users...and
> since the usage of i-mode is almost 50%/50% between male and
> female, we concentrate on the more attractive 50%.

Yes, but who (m or f) honestly wants to look at male techies ?

David wrote ...
> IMHO many people have just grown so accustomed to the concept that good
> ideas _always_ come from the US (or maybe Europe) that they just assume
> anything from Asia must be a fluke, copy, accident, regional thing or
> was somehow engineered/orchestrated by a foreign entity.

I agree. Explanations are often put down to Japanese being "gadget-freaks"
or some other
cultural phenomenon rather than a triumph of idea-marketing.

"The basic instincts are the same. The Japanese are not a different
species." -
To prove it, Natsuno pulls out his I-mode phone,
which sports a Disney screen saver. "'I love Donald Duck!" he proclaims


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Received on Mon Sep 10 14:22:31 2001