(keitai-l) Re: Cmode experience

From: Juergen Specht <js_at_nooper.com>
Date: 09/10/01
Message-ID: <13210884691.20010910104840@nooper.com>
> As for incremental change...who can say? Perhaps, so maybe
> I should shut up and let Coke give themselves more rim
> jobs over the great sales-n-marketing idea they think they
> have created with cell phones. If someone has
> evidence--even circumstantial, like a comment by one of
> those cMode-chosa girls at 109--that cMode is not totally
> driven by Coke's perpestuous (it's not in the dictionary)
> need to make profits, but rather by some genuine market
> need for the technology, then I will...well I dunno what.

I would not say Cmode is useless. Yes, it's inconvenient,
yes, they made MAJOR usability mistakes, here is just one
out of a bunch:

<short lesson in usability>
Check this picture:

The vending machine has a simple outline of a Keitai,
to show how to hold the Keitai to the scanner...now
watch how the outline looks like...the antenna is
on the right side, while the screen must point TO the vending
machine. Unfortunately the most popular phones (N503 series)
has the antenna on the left side if the screen points to
the vending machine...now check the picture of the Keitai
UNDER the outline...even this Keitai, pointed with the
screen to the vending machine has the antenna on the
other (wrong) side of the phone. I saw at least 2 people
(both female) who made the mistake by following the
outline and held their Keitai with the screen to the
wrong side, NOT pointing to the vending machine.

If somebody now says: Read the instructions! I say:
Nobody reads instructions for using a vending machine
and if you have, you better use a conventional one.
</short lesson in usability>

But at least Cmode is a trial to find out new uses for
the Keitai...it's an expensive and pretty bad done trial,
but it gives us a sense of future and some listmembers
got good ideas by seeing this...hopefully for a convenient
Keitai future.

> I once had a dream that I could load an app on my keitai
> so that it would open my kitchen cabinet door if I had the
> right softkey programed and another softkey would flush
> the toilet and another would let me buy a Herald Tribune
> Rag. And so on. Woopie! Modern Convenience!

This exists already, voila:


Juergen Specht  [Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc. Tokyo, Japan]
i-mode consulting, development and testing: http://nooper.co.jp/

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Received on Mon Sep 10 04:37:35 2001