(keitai-l) Re: 3G PCMCIA card?

From: dtalbot <dtalbot_at_j-com.co.jp>
Date: 09/07/01
Message-ID: <000901c13740$3641c880$3a6464cd@jcom.co.jp>

Until I read this I thought that FOMA data services (likewise KDDI's HDR
services) were going to use purely pay-per-packet tariffs. I suppose DoCoMo
have been following the recent trends in PHS data services, moving towards
monthly rates (Air-H", b-mobile Data Service etc.)

Interestingly, Somusho have recommended that regulations preventing PHS
transmissions pushing much beyond 64kbps be scrapped (they even suggested
that PHS providers should offer services in the 1-1.5Mbps range next year to
give 3G a run for it's money). Currently DDI Pocket are taking the lead here
both technically in terms of network upgrades (128kbps later this autumn)
businesswise with their new bulk capacity service that allows service
providers to rebrand/repackage the wireless connection a la MVNO.


I suppose that's why DoMoCo's president took this opportunity to knock the
MVNO's business model. Surely he's exaggerating just a little when he says
FOMA will mean there's no spectrum left for anyone else?


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Received on Fri Sep 7 04:48:50 2001