(keitai-l) Re: Profitable Unofficial Imode sites out there?

From: JD <jtv_at_jtvworld.com>
Date: 09/04/01
Message-Id: <p04310177b7ba3dc5cd56@[]>
*** good Q. Virgil, and its a shame that these Q's dont get any 
answers !  Or have you recieved any replies privately ?
Afterall the talk (and correctly so) that its not the tech aspects on 
imode thats made its successful, but rather hte marketing and biz 
model, its a terrible shame that noone out there (on this list 
anyway) can answer these types of Q's.

Sooo, is there anyone out there that knows of an approriate K-list 
re. the biz side of keitai, or better any info close to an answer ?

Thnx JD

>Hello all,
>Can anyone point me the way to a profitable I-mode site that is not on the
>official menu? If there are can someone tell me what makes them profitable?
>Doomo arigato=)
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Received on Tue Sep 4 17:38:20 2001