dear andrea and keitai-lovers.
unfortunately I wasn't in linz for the handy concert, but indeed,
the idea is great. the company who did is based in berlin and maybe
it is of help to put you in touch in case you did not talk to the guys
definitely, japanese phones are superior in every sound detail and
it should be really fun, you can also do it in public places after
betatesting it at the keitai parties.
> Dear keitai list,
> I listened to an interesting concert called "Dialtones" last night at Ars
> Electronica in Austria -- the orchestra was build from the audience with
> their (European) mobile phones, which got initiated by the composers on the
> stage to ring in a certain way. Even with rather boring ring tones from
> standard European phones, this was an amazing experience (and really well
> done by the artists).
> Before the concert started, I tried some of the ring tones that I have on my
> i-mode phone. Immediately, about 5 people around me wanted to have the same
> mobile phone I got ;-)
> With Japanese phones, a concert like this should be a blast. How about a
> keitai concert at the next keitai-l party? ;-)
> Andrea
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Received on Mon Sep 3 15:19:56 2001