(keitai-l) Re: i-mode spam explosion

From: Virgil Vergara <virgil_at_hawaii.rr.com>
Date: 08/07/01
Message-ID: <B7945B7B.B5C8%virgil@hawaii.rr.com>
I'm curious about this spam issue and why Docomo hasn't set up a system like
what some ISP have done so here in the US. You can't stop spam but there are
ways of controlling it. Such a system   as blocking the IP address where the
spam was originated and have a system where Imode users can forward spam
messages to a spam administrator who can trace the origination of the spam.
Surely, Docomo can come up with something cleaver right?

As for the Imode menu can someone tell me what kind of content are now being
offered? Are the content basically desame with a few added features?



> RE i-mode Spam, something happened last month and I suddenly started getting
> several each day to my i-mode email address, beginning about 3 weeks ago.
> Anybody else (who never registers with their i-mode email address anywhere)
> noticed this kind of development?
> Giles
> keitai-l@appelsiini.net wrote:
> Gerhard Fasol wrote:
>> Also the charging system changed a little,
>> there is more free now, even more free
>> packet charges.
> I find this curious: in an attempt to appease users who are rightfully angry
> about all the Spam they've been receiving lately, DoCoMo now gives you 400
> packets a month for free. They state "400 packets is approximately 100 mails"
> -- basically they're saying you don't have to pay for the Spam you receive.
> There's been some chatter about DoCoMo being more proactive about blocking
> Spam, but DoCoMo's response has been "we don't want to censor/control
> contents" which is fairly silly since that's what they already do with
> official contents. Technically it would require a more than a bit of
> maintenance to adequately and fairly block most Spam email, but not
> impossible.
> I'd rather DoCoMo keeps the fees for those 400 packets (400 x 0.3 yen x 25
> million people x 12 months/year = 36 billion yen/year, plenty of money to pay
> for inbound mail filters and human overseerers to verify) and implements
> better control over mails coming into their system.
> This is a perfect example of DoCoMo acting like a telecoms company and not an
> Internet company. David, any response? (^^)
> r e n
> --
> ascii: r e n f i e l d
> octal: \162 \145 \156 \146 \151 \145 \154 \144
> hex: \x72 \x65 \x6e \x66 \x69 \x65 \x6c  \x64
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Received on Tue Aug 7 03:25:20 2001