(keitai-l) Re: old keitai

From: Benjamin Kowarsch <benjk_at_mac.com>
Date: 07/31/01
Message-Id: <v04003a07b78c2c478d85@[]>
>And now Japanese manufacturers are world leaders in:
>* miniaturization, especially of electronics components
>* LCD screens
>* low weight, hi-power batteries
>Some could argue the strategy was, to that effect, a success.

Minitiurisation (and the resulting battery designs) and flat panel colour
displays have always been a Japanese strongholds. This would have been no
different any other way.

What would have been different, though if Japan had adopted a standard, is
that Japanese manufacturers would be leading suppliers of either GSM or
CDMA equipment (or both), depending on which standard they would have
chosen. They would still have built smaller and lighter phones with colour

If there was any strategy, then the main objective would have been to
protect domestic industry. In the light of the Japanese electronics
industry's success being closely linked to exports, the MPT concluded in
their 97/98 study that their approach was not a success and that they
needed to look for ways to adopt standards.

kind regards

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Received on Tue Jul 31 12:38:40 2001