(keitai-l) Re: i-motion Mpeg3

From: Henry Minsky <hqm_at_ua.com>
Date: 07/19/01
Message-Id: <>
I played with one of the new FOMA phones briefly, and even just looking at 
my own sorry
face on video, I thought "I have to have one of these phones.". I didn't 
think "do I need it?" or
"will I have anyone to call?", it was just a more primal response. So ... I 
think video
is a killer app for mobile phones. It may be that people won't pay any more 
money for it,
but I bet that if one provider has it, a lot of people will demand that 
their own provider get it, or
they will switch. But the quality and especially the frame rate is 
critical. There is a world of difference
between 10 fps, 20 fps, and 30 fps. I couldn't care less about 10 fps, 
15-20 fps is a cute toy,
and 30 fps is "I'll take it".

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Received on Thu Jul 19 15:19:56 2001