> The real problem is generally the available processing
> power & batteries. If you want, you could put a Power (or
> much worse, an Itanium) core into a keitai and run at 1+
> GHz. However, you'd run the battery out in a very short
> time, and between the internal power dissipation of the
> battery and the processor, you'd need an asbestos mitten
> to hold it (but it would certainly be able to warm up your
> bath)!
It's warm enough, I need a cooler :)
But new phones come now with a "multitasking" button.
See the lower left one with the name "multi":
This is basically for switching running applications.
Juergen Specht [Nooper.com - Mobile Services Inc.] http://nooper.com
For a better i-mode experience. NooperLabs: http://nooper.co.jp/labs/
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Jul 18 08:42:52 2001