When I try to access Reto Grob's useful EDICT Japanese/English dictionary
gateway (http://idix.grob.ch/) using my Panasonic ezWeb Au phone, I only get
the title and the link to http://grob.ch/md2.html. When I look at it with
Explorer or on my colleague's J-Phone I can see the input box for the search
but not with the Au phone.
Does anyone have a idea's as to why it wouldn't work/display correctly from
I saw the news today that KDDI (#1) has enabled its subscribers to browse
sites created for rival DoCoMo's i-mode service and wished I had tried the
dictionary beforehand :-)
#1 http://www.mobilemediajapan.com/newsdesk/imodeonez.html
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Mon Jul 9 12:48:14 2001