(keitai-l) Re: train manners...

From: Michael Turner <leap_at_gol.com>
Date: 06/30/01
Message-ID: <002e01c1016b$8fc279a0$0961fea9@leap>
Nick writes:
> .... since the
> objection is not just to something that is a perceived nuisance (talking
> in public) but to something that is only a nuisance if one has fantastical
> beliefs about the electromagnetic affects of OTHER people having phones
> switched on in one's vicinity...

It's not just "talking in public" but, often as not, "talking loudly in
I get annoyed at loud conversations on trains, and for some reason,
many people raise their voices when they talk on keitai.  My sense of
the "no keitai on trains" rules here is that they are kind of like the
"no parking" rules -- a pretext for cracking down on particularly
egregious offenders, but otherwise relatively toothless.

-michael turner

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Received on Sat Jun 30 16:50:29 2001