(keitai-l) Re: smdEd iMelody editor and iAppli

From: David Cotter <david.cotter_at_alatto.com>
Date: 06/15/01
Message-ID: <GFEELAOFLIPOELHJIGDEAEHLCCAA.david.cotter@alatto.com>
To answer my own question: I was able to put the sounds on the phone using
IRDA. The N503i reproduces the sounds from the sndEd very well - much better
that the i-jade emulator which has a limited number of instruments and ones
it doesn't have come out like an electronic organ.


-----Original Message-----

>  I am writing some sounds for an iAppli on the N503i using the sndEd
> There are many different instruments and I can probably find the sound I
> want. I am using the i-jade emulator to test my app and  I have no way of
> testing what this will sound like on the real phone.

> Does anybody have experience with this or other iMelody editors? Does the
> tune sound the same on the phone as it does in the editor or the i-jade
> emulator?

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Received on Fri Jun 15 16:43:40 2001