(keitai-l) Re: i-mode in the UK

From: Chris Lowery <chris_at_onegoodwindow.com>
Date: 06/13/01
Message-ID: <3B26F5A7.28521857@onegoodwindow.com>
I hope they do call it i-mode. To my mind, and maybe a few others,
i-mode means 'limited-but-workable color wireless Internet access 
with a non-stupid interface'. In any language that's a hell of a brand.


p.s. here's a couple more next-gen embedded browsers supporting 
WML & almost-i-mode-cHTML (no emoji I presume):

the Pixo Internet Somethingorother

the Openwave Mobile Browse-o-mat Universal Edition

I thought Compact NetFront did but it doesn't. They must not care.

Nik Frengle wrote:
> Actually, Beau, this will not extend the brand name. In a speech given last
> Wednesday, Tatsuhiro Shukunami, Executive Direcror of Global Coordination
> for NTT DoCoMo explicitly stated in a question (from me) that they will not
> call the service in the US i-mode.  Further, depending on what part of WAP
> it is that you are talking about--network protocols, or markup langauge--the
> product offered through AT&T will not be WAP, since it will, according to
> Shukunami, be served using a new browser, capable of reading both WML (WAP)
> and cHTML pages.  Phone-sets will be produced by two makers, one Japanese,
> and one US (guess who?).  And as of this writing, and any other timeline I
> have heard from either AT&T or DoCoMo, the service is meant to be launched
> next year, sometime in the spring.
> -Nik Frengle

Chris Lowery - Emergency Interface Technician - www.onegoodwindow.com
"doctor, heal thyself."

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Received on Wed Jun 13 08:01:20 2001