Thanks for the support - I've seen about 10 votes
now, enough for me to put in the extra effort to inform
people of my progress.
My main translation issues are as follows:
1. Sounding like Dilbert's boss doing techno-babble
In most technical translation, knowledge of the
technology is more important than knowledge of the
source language. Since I'm translating, in part, to learn
the technology, I'm slightly hobbled - I'm a seasoned
programmer, but have no professional experience with
Java, the iAppli API, nor even very much on the web side.
2. "Being a machine translation program means never having
to say you're sorry."
This isn't just dry, anonymous technical translation - JavaHz is
also conversation. The other day, for example, I discovered
that I had translated something like
"DoCoMo went to some lengths here - they must have
had some idea in mind, I'm sure."
as, instead,
"What was DoCoMo thinking here?!"
Now, just imagine that you were the one losing out in
that translation. There is a risk/reward trade-off here, and my
translation skills being what they are pushes that trade-off curve
toward higher risk and lower reward.
In sum: take it all with a grain of salt, and if you know better about
something, tell me, so I can fix it quickly. In a few days (or sooner)
I'll post what I have so far.
Michael Turner
P.S. I'll stop signing off as "-m"; it reeks of pretensions to
being a sardonic, small-time, 60s-era pulp-novel spymaster.
Also, I've recently gotten e-mail addressing me as "Juergen",
and even a couple messages from someone who has confused
me with Henry Minsky -- I've never even met Henry, much less
impersonated him. Clearly, it's time to start emphasizing my real
identity (whatever that is.)
[ Did you check the archives? ]
Received on Tue Jun 12 08:51:37 2001