(keitai-l) Re: J-Phone Java MIDlets

From: Henry Minsky <hqm_at_ai.mit.edu>
Date: 05/31/01
Message-Id: <>
I've got a port of my Picobrowser that runs on MIDP (I've been running
it with the Sun emulator). It fits into 50 kbytes. Is there any way to test 
on the J-Phone right now? If you can't download the apps from
your own web site, how do you get them into your phone for testing
during development?

Also, can you say anything more about the more open Java API? Can you access
other HTTP sites besides the one you downloaded from? Can you access
any of the i/o on the phone, such as a serial port or infra-red port?

Inquiring minds want to know ...

At 06:56 PM 5/30/01 +0900, you wrote:
> > You mentioned that you are having some problems.  Are these problems with
> > the MIDP or with the JPhone API?
> >
>The API's themselves haven't caused too much of a problem.  The problems
>have been more to do with deployment issues.  For example, MIDP uses JAD
>and Manifest files to describe the application (in comparison to
>i-appli's JAM file).  These files seem to over complicate things.  Any
>slight imperfections in the files will cause the target device to reject
>them (often without a reason why).  That's frustrating!
>[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu May 31 03:13:11 2001