(keitai-l) Re: 3G Handsets are Here

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushu.com>
Date: 05/23/01
Message-id: <fc.000f7610000564123b9aca00d27bad87.56417@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
>It's just a good old habit...comparable
>to smoking...its also all about having pen shaped objects
>between lips.

shurely "nipple shaped object" is closer to the truth...

... but your point is a good one - how long before we see "optional nipple
attachments" for our fave "antenna-less" kaitai?  I bet J-phone have them

But seeing as their users are mainly young and female why not... ...but no
- that would be TOO much. (I already suffer from nubile young things
felatting keitai in my general direction in the queue at MosBurger. More
would definitely be less. (I always worry they are going to get an
electric shock - what kind of belt can a keitai battery deliver if shorted
by a 17 year olds tongue?))


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed May 23 09:30:20 2001