(keitai-l) Re: The 3G anti-hype

From: Michael Turner <leap_at_gol.com>
Date: 05/18/01
Message-ID: <006501c0df5f$ad415100$0961fea9@leap>
From: "christopher lowery" <chris@onegoodwindow.com>

> OK, but what's so bad about streaming video? The only reason people
> won't use the phone for everything they do on a desktop *and more*
> is if it's a great pain in the ass or too expensive.

I have a television I bought here in Japan with a screen
that's about 1.5" x 1.5".  I watched it for about half an
hour, and never once since.  Maybe that screensize
falls under "great pain in the ass" but for me, it was just,
like, "why not just listen to the radio?"

> Politicultural/technomarketing smokescreens to the side, 
> a cellphone's just a networked computer with no hard disk + 
> a small screen and keyboard. iAppli hammers this point home
> wonderfully, with microsoft about 3 minutes behind.

And a dolphin is basically an elephant that learned how to
swim well, if you follow the DNA back far enough.
Does that mean they are equally well-eqipped to
survive shark attacks?

Form follows function, and functionally, iAppli don't
cramp keitai functionality as being mobile telephony
first, while rivaling the Gameboy in other respects.

It's a category issue.  For example, word processing
software has crept up on page layout software in
functionality, but layout pros still use PageMaker, and for
good reason: there is much more to print media than
meets the eye of those most avid reader, even of
the most avid writer.  So, "page layout" is still a software
category - it's not a "technomarketing smokescreen".
Page layout professionals can't get by on Word alone,
and your average Word user's reaction to PageMaker
is bewilderment.  You can't please both.
> Michael's right enough, we can work with what's out there,
> whether it's broadened GSM or 3G. You can bet that when the 
> first big-business-compatible video streaming solution emerges 
> Sprint, Xingular, Orange and the rest will be screaming about it 
> from shareholder summits to Sunday supplements.

I'm glad you agree with me about something, but I
beg to differ about everything except the screaming
about the streaming.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri May 18 08:58:54 2001