(keitai-l) Re: OK, so it took a little longer than they thought.....

From: Nick May <nick_at_kyushunet.com>
Date: 05/15/01
Message-id: <fc.000f761000055bdd3b9aca002f7466ab.55bde@kyushunet.com>
keitai-l@appelsiini.net writes:
>The SPCB reports that humans killed 10,302 robots in 2141.
>While many of these attacks can be directly or indirectly
>tied to the radical Anti-Robot Militia (ARM), a considerable
>number of slayings can be attributed to anti-robot individuals
>acting out of bias against sentient property. This is up from
>the 4,532 AI killings in 2140.

heh! - the big mistake was making all the journalists sentient A.I.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue May 15 09:57:40 2001