(keitai-l) Re: keitai-l Digest V2 #98

From: Scott Wheeler <scottw_at_vetinari.org>
Date: 04/30/01
Message-ID: <3AEDAEE7.20364.132DA957@localhost>
Michael Turner wrote:

> Internet is happening here - it's just a
> question of how L-mode-type services might fit in - either
> substituting or complementing.

One way I'd like to see a service of that sort going would be to 
provide a replacement for voice menu systems. Imagine a world 
where most hard-line phones have an always-on simple browser on 
a black and white LCD. Any company could offer a cHTML or WML 
text menu system, which terminates by dialling through to the 
direct-dial number for the correct department or person.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Mon Apr 30 20:19:37 2001