(keitai-l) Rounding of i-mode packet charges?

From: Kyle Barrow <kyle_at_X-9.com>
Date: 04/02/01
I have had an inquiry regarding i-MIMIC's display of i-mode packet charges.

As I understand it, DoCoMo calculates i-mode charges from total packets for
the month * 0.3 yen then rounds this to the nearest yen. Is this correct or
is DoCoMo rounding per page/session?

i-MIMIC displays the packet charges for the page and the session but
although i-MIMIC uses full decimal yen data, it displays yen rounded to the
nearest yen which is what a user would be charged if they only visited the
pages i-MIMIC displays that month.

Is this method preferred by developers or would you prefer yen to be
displayed to n decimal places?

Thanks in advance



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Received on Mon Apr 2 05:39:35 2001