>when i try to use https in Connector.open(url,...) I get an exception. here
is the stacktrace :
Hi. If you are trying to connect through a company proxy, you have to take
it into account when launching the emulator. I.e: try to launch the jar file
of the emulator from a command prompt using the -Dhttp.proxyHost and
-Dhttp.proxyPort functions. Should be something like: C:>java
-Dhttp.proxyHost=(put the URL of your proxy here) -Dhttp.proxyPort=(put the
proxy port here) -jar c:\i-jade\i-jade-f.jar
This should launch the emulator with the proper configuration.
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Mar 9 10:10:29 2001