(keitai-l) Re: How do i-Appli's talk to their back-end servers?

From: <ZBlut_at_excite.co.jp>
Date: 02/20/01
Message-ID: <2349876.982653749233.JavaMail.imail@batty.excite.com>
Hi Marc,
The Virtual Machine on the phones will only allow them to open connections
back to the server that the program was downloaded from.
So if you either make that server have special code to handle communication
between multiple phones or have it relay messages to another server then you
can handle situations such as multiplayer games.

To do this type of situation you do not need to be an official site with NTT

I hope that helps,
if you have any other questions you may want to take a look at my site for
developing iApplis



Original Message -------------------------------------
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2001 13:09:31 +0900
From: Marc Printz <MPrintz@724.com>
Subject: How do i-Appli's talk to their back-end servers?


does anyone know how Java-apps on the phones can talk to the content
provider's servers, eg. for 'coopetitive' games or for other specialty
protocols? Does that require explicit agreement between content provider
and Docomo or is that also possible for unofficial sites?

Best regards


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Tue Feb 20 09:14:56 2001