(keitai-l) Keitai processors

From: Masi Yamada <masi_at_kevointernational.com>
Date: 02/19/01
Message-ID: <CNEAIFPKOOGKLBJIACAJOEGMCJAA.masi@kevointernational.com>
I have been looking through faq's but I haven't yet seen a list of handsets
that shows what processor is being used in each unit.  Has anybody seen such
a list?  I am trying to get an idea of how many production keitais are using
ARM based processors.  I am also trying to figure out if keitai makers seem
to be shifting to ARM processors in their upcoming models.

Any help is appreciated.


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Mon Feb 19 10:45:32 2001