(keitai-l) Communities not allowed

From: Eijkemans, Paul <Paul.Eijkemans_at_ben.nl>
Date: 02/14/01
Message-ID: <41F2B29D1CB4D2118BD50008C7C562F10AF5A281@ben-mail01.ben.nl>
Could the fact that the Japanese government still has a lot to say at NTT
have something
do to with this?

Best regards,

>Docomo is part of NTT. Docomo has this strong social responsibility  -
>according to your understanding. Can we presume that NTT also has a strong
>social responsibility?

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Feb 14 15:55:44 2001