I tried to search the archives but I haven't found any post discussing the
following: (or did I just miss it)
1. Are the URLs visited by users reflected in their billing statement? Ex. a
user goes to yahoo... on his next billing statement, does it say you
accessed yahoo.co.jp on this date / time, etc. etc.
2. Aside from the 100 to 300 yen paid by subscribers to official i-mode
sites, do developers (content providers) get a share of the packet charges
when users go to their site or download gif images?
As you may assume, I'm interested on the business side of imode. Although
the tech discussions on this list is excellent.
Best regards,
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Wed Feb 14 13:55:17 2001