you might want to become familiar with sun's j2me first. then check out
docomo's java imode spec (in japanese) to see docomo's implementation of
with no java experience, it will be pretty challenging, but not impossible.
try getting an intro book to java and then looking at the j2me samples.
j2me is a subset of j2se, so there is not as much to know. you might need
to know j2se on the server side though.
all the best!
At 23:31 01/02/06 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi guys.....
>I do web application work...... stuff with cold fusion, databases...SQL....
>would it be hard to develop java applications for the 503i with no java
>experience (aside from javascript)?
>Could anyone suggest some ways or sites with tutorials on how to program for
>the 503i/java.
>What development environments are out there?
>any help is appreciated.
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Received on Tue Feb 6 14:58:55 2001