(keitai-l) Re: Partner site user identification/authentication

From: David Emery <dave_at_skiddlydee.com>
Date: 01/26/01
Message-Id: <v04210a07b696a9ec0e31@[]>
>Hello list:
>How do partner sites (i.e. those that can bill users via their Docomo 
>bills) identify the user? Do they recieve a handset ID from the i-mode 
>proxy, and if so what and how? Docomo's pages say you don't need any 
>special software, so what are they using to do this?

The handset id is automatically added at the gateway to the query string or 
POST vars as uid=[12 characters including digits and lc and uc ascii]


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Jan 26 06:03:46 2001