Lauren Baptist wrote:
> Hi all--
> I'm Lauren from Google, and I've been working on Google iMode. A while
> back, Cyrus posted a note from me, and ever since then I've been an avid
> reader. (A sincere thank you to all of you who tried out the demo of our
> iMode search engine and its HTML->cHTML proxy. It is now running on our
> main site. You should just be able to point your phone at,
> and we'll take you straight to our iMode engine.)
I think I speak for everyone here when I say thank you for supporting
i-mode and keep up the good work.
> So, I have lots of questions about iMode, but at the moment, the most
> pressing one is in regards to Japanese phone numbers. I'm trying to
> modify our iMode proxy to detect Japanese phone numbers in text and
> rewrite them as anchors with the prefix "tel:".
Someone has already responded about the specific formats of telephone
numbers, but something to keep in mind:
* Japanese phone numbers start with 0, and you dial the zero when
calling domestically (You drop the zero and add Japan's country-code 81
when calling from overseas into Japan)
So if you see a string of digits such that it matches the pattern zero
followed by a nine-zero (cellphone), 4, 3, etc and it's 10-12 digits
long than it's probably a phone number.
As far as the tel: tag is concerned, you do NOT need to break phone
number parts correctly, so you might as well do:
Keep up the good work and I'm sure we're all available to test google
(I'm sure I'm not the only one with google bookmarked on my phone).
r e n
ascii: r e n f i e l d
octal: \162 \145 \156 \146 \151 \145 \154 \144
hex: \x72 \x65 \x6e \x66 \x69 \x65 \x6c \x64
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Received on Tue Jan 23 13:22:34 2001