>>Has anyone built a conversion table?
i don't see much code on this list, but here goes (sorry it's VBScript) --
just outputs the list of emoji IDs and 'names'. If code is not appropriate,
perhaps the moderator(?) can move to list FAQ? unfortunately it's always
more verbose that a few throwaway regexp lines...
this code outputs 'switch' statements for a lookup function. the DO WHILE
loop is easily modified to alter this to any format you like.
i guess it'd more more useful if extracting the kanji for each emoji, but
you'll probably want that data in a specific character set anyway...
p.s. remember \ is 'backslash' :-)
'* author: Craig Dunn
'* date: 16-Jan-01
'* desc: extract emoji for a lookup table (EN only so far)
'* assumpt:
'* expects to find this file
'* http://www.nttdocomo.com/i/tag/emoji/index.html
'* with the header and footer HTML removed,
'* only <tr>..</tr> tags remaining
'* ie. lots of this:
' <tr>
' <td valign="BOTTOM" align="RIGHT"> 9 </td>
' <td align="CENTER"> <img src="images/9.gif" alt="9"> </td>
' <td> F8A7 </td>
' <td> 63655 </td>
' <td> Aries</td>
' </tr>
set oFO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
set oFile = oFO.OpenTextFile ("C:\TEMP\emoji.txt")
set RegEx = Server.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
sText = oFile.ReadAll
RegEx.IgnoreCase = TRUE
RegEx.Global = TRUE
RegEx.Pattern = "<td> (63[0-9 ]*)</td>\s*<td>([A-Za-z()\-\&\;0-9e ]*)</td>"
sOut = RegEx.Replace (sText, "<EMOJI><ID>$1</ID><TRA>$2</TRA></EMOJI>" )
if bDebug then Response.Write sOut
iCurPos = 1
do while iCurPos >= 1
iCurPos = InStr(iCurPos, sOut, "<EMOJI>")
' FORMAT OF CODE LINE: case "〹" : sOut = "[test]"; break;
Response.write " case ""&#"
Response.write Trim(parseTag(iCurPos, "<ID>", "</ID>", sOut))
Response.write ";"" : sOut = ""["
Response.write Trim(parseTag(iCurPos, "<TRA>", "</TRA>", sOut))
Response.write "]""; break;" & vbCRLF
'/* uncomment to output | seperated list
'Response.write Trim(parseTag(iCurPos, "<ID>", "</ID>", sOut))
'Response.write "|"
'Response.write Trim(parseTag(iCurPos, "<TRA>", "</TRA>", sOut))
'Response.write vbCRLF
set RegEx = nothing
set oFile = nothing
set oFO = nothing
Function parseTag (iStartPoint, sStart, sEnd, sSource)
dim iStart, iEnd, sValue
if iStartPoint >= 1 then
iStart = InStr(iStartPoint, sSource, sStart)
if iStart >= 0 then
iEnd = InStr(iStart, sSource, sEnd)
if iEnd > 0 then
sValue = Mid(sSource, iStart + Len(sStart), iEnd - iStart -
iStartPoint = iStartPoint + Len(sValue)
sValue = ""
end if
sValue = ""
end if
sValue = ""
end if
parseTag = sValue
End Function
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Received on Wed Jan 17 03:58:04 2001