(keitai-l) Train tickets on your phone?

From: Jani PATOKALLIO <jpatokal_at_iki.fi>
Date: 12/11/00
Message-ID: <3A34A931.DF296AD2@iki.fi>
TokyoQ's weekly news summary offers this tantalizing tidbit:

   East Japan
   Railways announced it will introduce a system to let people make a
   reservation using their cell phone and so pass through the ticket
   wicket without a ticket simply by letting their phone be scanned..

But www.jreast.co.jp, press releases included, doesn't even hint at
such a thing as far as I can see.  Any details or pointers?

Jani PATOKALLIO / jpatokal@iki.fi / +81 90 7722 3557
Sanpo Laboratory, Mechano-Informatics Dept., University of Tokyo
ヤニ・パトカリオ / jani@sanpo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp / 090 7722 3557

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Received on Mon Dec 11 11:58:08 2000