(keitai-l) Re: More location based services/docomo boxes

From: Jani PATOKALLIO <jpatokal_at_iki.fi>
Date: 11/17/00
Message-ID: <3A149F60.3F797B31@iki.fi>
Nick May wrote:
> I am trying to remember the story. I think it relates to the very, very
> early days of the Chechnya situation - possibly to one of the gangster
> warlords who had done  a bit of kidnapping. It was definitely done with
> US/UK help. You are right though that the missile was not American - I
> think the US and the UK provided the tech support to home in on the phone.
> Again, that sounds a bit fishy itself - but there was definitely some
> US/UK involvement. I shall dig up the details.

The "warlord" in question was Dzhohar Dudayev (pick your favorite
method of transliteration from the Cyrillic), former president of
the Chechen Autonomous Republic, turned leader of the Chechen
independence movement.  His "keitai" was a traditional INMARSAT
satellite phone, not exactly covert and simple enough to locate with
Russia's spy network and a little trigonometry.  I've never heard
about US/UK involvement and given the geopolitics involved I see
no reason why they should be involved.

Jani PATOKALLIO / jpatokal@iki.fi / +81 90 7722 3557
Sanpo Laboratory, Mechano-Informatics Dept., University of Tokyo
ヤニ・パトカリオ / jani@sanpo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp / 090 7722 3557

[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Nov 17 04:37:13 2000