> It looks like a picture taken by a spy!
No, it's taken by my trained dog :)
> Anyway, does anyone know how the
> system works and down to what sort of range it works?
I have no idea how it works, but I see that my dog right now spys in
this bar in Roppongi ;)
> Does the dog need to put an imode on its collar? How can it operate without
> thumbs?
It's tail controled!
> BTW if so, how can a dog get an imode but not a non-resident in Japan? :-)
You should try to buy this dog costume at Tokyo Hands and wag your
tail nearby an IMode shop...this should help to get you a phone!
Good luck,
[ Did you check the archives? http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Thu Nov 16 14:49:30 2000