(keitai-l) Re: Location based foo

From: Heimo Laukkanen <huima_at_wapit.com>
Date: 11/14/00
Message-ID: <3A11110D.8E0B5121@wapit.com>
Mika Tuupola wrote:
        (service). We could argue that this is also advertising.
>         I agree your exmample is most probably usefull. However
>         would it work if the user had "italian food" in her profile,
>         and the restaurants would start sending him pizza adds
>         when she entered the area?

Don't get stuck with the bombing idea. Info could be that restraunts
know that there are new possible customers, who fit our profile in this
area and possibly even prepare on that. Ads could be served in a
portal-sense -- meaning there is a page or pages where different ads for
different people will be collected ( almost like automatic forwarding
email to folders ) and users have the chance to read these when it suits
them best. Then again -- this would have to be a part of a larger
services like "city-guide", where you will find all the necessary info
and have links to other services. 


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Received on Tue Nov 14 11:25:24 2000