(keitai-l) Re: business vs. consumer use

From: Gerhard Fasol <fasol_at_eurotechnology.com>
Date: 12/31/03
Message-ID: <3A026094.C47DBBDC@eurotechnology.com>
jeffrey funk wrote:
> Ren and Gerhard,
> Thank you so much for your good examples! I do not believe that business use
> always proceeds consumer use. 
[some more quotation deleted]


If you want to make people smile (depending on their humor),
you can also mention that shape-memory alloys are used
in women's underwear (bra's) in Japan. I am not sure however
whether that's business use or consumer use.

If I think a bit more, I may be able to find some more examples.

[what follows is off-topic - so please delete if required]

As regards the social phenomena at academic conferences in a 
cases like yours, there is discussion by Rolf Landauer -
he was a senior scientist at IBM most of his life, and
did fundamental work on electronic interconnects, 
the limits of computing and lots more. He is one of the scientists
I respect most. 

He wrote a very poignant article describing situations such as 
yours, where he got mobbed during his presentation, where 
someone from the audience says something like: 
"Landauer, what you say is totally wrong - don't you know 
the famous paper by XYZ in the Proceedings of the 
Academy of Science of Andorra in 1953 - that proves
you are wrong?" Landauer said usually when he has the 
chance to check something like that, of course he finds 
out that this famous article is totally irrelevant - but it's 
too late.

Best regards,


[ Did you check the archives?   http://www.appelsiini.net/keitai-l/ ]
Received on Fri Nov 3 08:45:32 2000