>I have a question to the developers out it possible
>to (browser-) upload a photo you got via I-Mode *from* the I-Mode
>phone to a webserver?
>Thanks in advance!
I think not - alas. Making an upload form in a webpage with php would be
trivial - but actually pulling it out of the phone would be a problem. As
far as I know the 502it can't do it.
is any developer out there working on
(2nd best) a java telnet client that will fit in 10k....
BEST! - a java ssh client that will fit in 10k. (hard I should think)
The new phones "feel" more like small computers/browser than phones - and
would be great for maintaining boxes...
I s'pose the problem would be getting imode to pass packets to the
appropriate ports... Does it just pass port 80 and https (443?)
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